There is always a sigh of relief when that second semester result is checked and one realizes, “My God, I’m now a final year student”. The feeling is exhilarating, especially when you don’t have any issues, common among being a carry-over course. Then the execution of the final year project looms like a dark cloud and you wished you were Thor’s relative and you could maybe borrow his lightening hammer for a moment.
Unfortunately, reality isn’t that easy, the dark project cloud can’t just be smote by imaginary lightening, it has to be researched and written. If there are people who were as terrified of project writing as myself had been, then I suggest you visit –, for ALL your research and final year project needs.
Lucky you, I never had this opportunity in my time, I had to stress through all steps of researching and writing a project. I had to actually visit all the establishments necessary to seek for data, which was money consuming, time and energy expending.
Now I believe researches for projects should be for people who can write a book and actually make money from their sweat and effort, not just for a grade…I’m just a really realistic person, so don’t sue me.
Having said that, I’m also realistic to realize that there are students who would rather research and write their projects by themselves, as I had done, against all odds; and as our fingers aren’t equal, some of these students don’t have lots of funds for the whole rigmarole a final year project requires. So, here goes the 6 steps to writing an excellent final year project by your own effort:-
1.         CHOOSE a topic in an area you are comfortable with – I studied sociology and anthropology, and for those that are aware, sociology has a truck load of diverse fields, so I chose crime and how its increase or decrease is affected by unemployment. It’s quite simple, really, you’ve been in your chosen field for four years or more, there must be an area that you are particularly okay with; it has to be a topic that intrigues you, one that the inherent challenges will only excite your determination to solve them. I could never have been able to explain this when I was choosing my project topic, but over the years, as I evolved as a writer, I realize that I’ve always been intrigued with the intricacies of crime, which can be noticed in most of my novels. Yes, I’m saying this might be the beginning of the rest of your life, it sounds melodramatic but it’s the truth.
2.         READ past projects on your chosen topic – I confess, I did not do this, which is why I had suffered terribly through my final year project writing process. It is pertinent that after choosing your topic, preferably when you’re a year from final year, you visit your faculty library and read projects that had been written on similar topics. The whole idea is to get clarity and perspective, you will discover their strengths, weaknesses and failures concerning that topic and you would also discover the best direction to take on your own project, leveraging on their past mistakes to make yours the best. What can I say, the world isn’t always fair, to move ahead, we have to learn from other people’s mistakes.
3.         COMPILE content analysis/research before approval – It is possible that you’re wondering, doesn’t this woman know that supervisors have to approve topics first? I assure you, I do, but it will be easy for you if all your topics have similar backgrounds so that no matter the choice of topic approved, your initial research would not have been in vain. Sometimes, like in my case, supervisors can ask you to pick the topic you want and then ask you to bring your analysis or proposal or introduction the very next day. Do you want to begin scrambling for content in the few hours left? I think not, so take my advice, always be a step or two ahead of the game.
4.         INTERNET is your most useful friend – The physical libraries at some schools are hardly updated with the latest research materials, thank God for the internet! Google your way to freedom with sites like and many more offer free books. You have a large amount of quality research materials online (books, audio, researches, papers, news articles etc. that you can reference). Apply Google well and you’ll be amazed. Some hard copy books you stress about are available online (for sale and free).
5.         ELECTRONIC devices are also your friends – For those that have laptops and fairly large phones, you can type out directly instead of the stress of writing on paper and then typing later on. Though, this is predilection related, because some people’s minds are sharper when they write on paper…like me, once upon a time, these days me and laptop are best pals. For the high tech users, you could use your mobile phone to type on cloud documents on Google Docs, that is if you own a Google account, if you don’t, it’s quite easy to create one. And then there is the android app called Google ‘Goggles’ were you can hand write on your phone and it transcribes it to text…I will advise more researches be done on this before use.
6.         REASONABLY choose your population location/research methodology – You cannot choose your population location in another state different from your school, unless you love traveling and you have loads of money to expend. Let your population location be in the same town for easy access. And let your research methodology be carefully chosen to align with your topic of research, no need for cumbersome research methods when you have a simple topic.
I never said it would be easy, good things usually come from hard work and huge effort. But one can avoid some of these by just visiting for great project topics or you can send us your topic and we will do the leg work for you…Its that simple!